...many times a simple choice can prove to be essential even though it often might appear inconseqnetial.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Following Suit

Getting up this morning and making my way to the living room, the first thing I noticed was that, at long last, Trout was updating his blog. Seeing this, I realized it has been a while since I updated. I’ve sat down with my laptop on several occasions to try and update, but lately the energy just hasn’t been there. But seeing Trout make the effort, I realize I have plenty of potential topics, but I know most of it I just don’t want to indulge in such a public atmosphere. Yet, I still want to write, so here goes.

Christmas and New Years were great. It was nice to be home and to narrowly miss the second of the now three snowstorms to hit Colorado in the last month. By narrowly missing the storm I mean we made it into The Ranch before the worst of it hit, but we then spent several hours for a couple days helping Jenn and Phil dig their way out. Trout and I were gone for a week and a half, and when we arrived back in the 5400 on New Years Day (because I started work the next day), we were both glad to be done living out of suitcases. It’s good to be home.

Now that Trout and I are back in the real world, things are great, if not insanely busy. I feel simultaneously excited and massively overwhelmed with all I have to learn and do. By the end of my first week I felt less stressed than at the beginning because I actually learned how to do the majority of the tasks my job requires of me. However, waking up this morning, my brain immediately began thinking of all the things that need to be done in the very near future that I didn’t realize on Friday. The stress level has shot back up again, something I hope will subside a little bit when I can actually get to work on everything that needs to be done. I’m sure I’ll eventually love my job, unfortunately, the learning curve is getting in the way of that at the moment.

I’m also sure the pancakes Trout is making right now will help alleviate some of my stress too. If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go see if he needs any help.



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