...many times a simple choice can prove to be essential even though it often might appear inconseqnetial.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Today I was offered (and tomorrow I will accept) a position for a job in the 5400. It's official, I'll have a job before I actually move.

That is all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats! Isn't it great when something finally goes your way? But you must know you have earned this one. Life is good. Enjoy it!

9:14 PM

Blogger dirk.mancuso said...


9:25 AM

Blogger Kathryn said...

To all...Thanks for all the kind words! I will probably refrain from blogging much about work since the 5400 is so small, I would still like to have a bit of anonymity. But you can expect an email with all the details very soon.

11:55 AM


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