...many times a simple choice can prove to be essential even though it often might appear inconseqnetial.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Coming Soon

Big news will soon be featured here at Explorers Are We.

Yes that's right, you heard it here, folks. Months in the making, this news, and not being able to write about it, has caused the content of this blog to disintegrate rather quickly. But soon, all will be corrected. Sure, sure I've made a lot of excuses these last couple of months for my less than stellar updating-skills. But the root of it all is this simple fact: anything worth writing about, the things that I've truly wanted to get off my mind and out into the public could not be professed to the general public. Yet.

However, after tomorrow, I will be able to clear the air. I'm guessing that most of you already know what this news will entail, but for those of you who still remain curious, stay tuned, because, even with the approaching holiday, I will post. Even if I have to do it in the wee hours of the morning, while fighting off a (first, second or third) food induced coma, I will write something worth reading.



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