...many times a simple choice can prove to be essential even though it often might appear inconseqnetial.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Picture is Worth...

I have nothing going on today, I feel like posting, yet I have nothing really post-worthy to write today. So instead of writing, I have decided to post some pictures.

A while back, Trout wrote about a little prank that we played on my former landlords. Since Trout was unable to make it down to help me place all the cards, I took pictures for him. I didn't take picutres of all the cards (my camera's memory card isn't that big), but I did want to capture the more clever and diabolical places. Since Jenn and Phil have only found roughly 30 of the 50 cards hidden around their house, I will only post pictures of the ones I know they've found.



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