...many times a simple choice can prove to be essential even though it often might appear inconseqnetial.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Yep, It’s Still Monday

I realize that universally, very few people in the world actually enjoy Mondays. Perhaps this is unfair, maybe Mondays have even acquired a bad reputation by accident. However, the sad truth is, most generalizations are rooted in some bit of truth. No matter how much Monday tries, not matter what he does to try to win people over, he will inevitably still be hated and dreaded by millions each and every week.

Particularly bad days at YB are considered Mondays. You could consider it a spin off of the classic Office Space line “Uh, oh. Looks like someone has a case of the Mon-days.” There was a really bad week a month or so back that we still refer to as “The week of Mondays.”

Yesterday was an okay Monday. Yeah, I was exhausted by the time I got home and had to get up extra early, but I was able to spend it outside and didn’t have to really do anything. Today, however was quite possibly the worst Monday I’ve ever had. Not only was I (and most of the staff, for that matter) still worn out from yesterday, but I was just in a terrible mood. Everything was just flat out pissing me off. Internet not working…pissed me off. People not wanting to leave voicemail messages so they called me back to leave message for various people around the office…pissed me off. 80 kids with unending amounts of energy…pissed me off. Feeling unenthusiastic about my moves in Warfish…pissed me off. My officemate…pissed me off.

An issue arose at work today (which was actually the cause of some conflict last week as well) that could inevitably affect my job in some substantial ways. I won’t go into any details until tomorrow, because by tomorrow at this time, I’ll have a better idea of what is going on, and so will everyone else around the office. But needless to say, what I was told about this arising situation turned this already emerging Monday into a full-fledged kick-me-in-the-ass Monday. Oh yes, folks, at this rate, I may get to experience another week of Mondays. At least my week will end a little earlier than usual this time around.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My office had just absolutely the worst day today too. It actually got very ugly a couple of times...

8:14 PM

Blogger Trout said...

Hey, baby -

Hang in there. As a wise Zen master once said, "Nothing very very bad lasts for very very long." No, wait, that wasn't a Zen master, that was Jimmy Carter. Or maybe it was my mom. I can't remember.

8:51 AM

Blogger Kathryn said...

Mary Ann...after talking to my sister last night and reading your comment this morning, I've come to the conclusion there's just a whole lot of bad work juju floating around. Hope today is a better one for you.

Trout...Please tell your Zen master, Jimmy Carter or your mother I will do my best to keep their words of wisdom in mind, as today will undoubtedly be another Monday. Thanks for everything, baby, I really appreciate it.

9:21 AM

Blogger Steamboat Lion said...

Well in the Middle East the weekend is Thursday and Friday, which makes Saturday into Monday. And, yes no one likes Saturday-Monday there.

10:34 PM


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