...many times a simple choice can prove to be essential even though it often might appear inconseqnetial.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Another Geek-Out Moment, Brought to You by Our Friends at National Geographic

National Geographic was one of the few magazines in our house growing up. I distinctly remember reading (well more looking at the pictures until I was older) the December 1989 issue. The cover story about the restoration of the Sistine Chapel was fascinating in itself, but I remember being more fascinated with the foldout within the article about artificial limbs and organs. The foldout was a silhouette of the human body that included all of the available artificial limbs and other body parts. As a six year old, I was amazed that something I not only knew about, but something that was a part of me was actually in a magazine.

I should also mention my honorary sister, Mo, works for them in Washington DC, how cool is that? My geekiness is über jealous.

When I moved into my new apartment, my Mom got me a year’s subscription as a housewarming gift. I don’t receive a lot of mail, so the arrival of each new issue always makes for a good day at my place. Thanks to good ol’ NG I’ve had numerous geeky moments since I moved into my new place. I’ve geeked-out so many times with every issue, I can’t believe it.

First, there was this article, and then this, and this, and this and this and just yesterday, my anthropological interest was satisfied yet again with this article. The picture with the shoe is quite possibly the ultimate for my anthropological geekdom. I can’t get enough of this stuff. After having to go through high school with a science teacher who was such a fundie-creationist that he refused to teach evolution, National Geographic is breath of fresh air. Few things get me truly riled up, but try to convince me that evolution can’t be proved and you are in for a heated discussion.

Thanks for stepping up, National Geographic. You can be sure that I will be a lifetime subscriber. And while we’re on the subject…are you going to bring back the Zip Code stories? There wasn’t one in the last issue and I always looked forward to seeing which zip code would be featured (or if I’ve been to any of them). Thanks.


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