Yeah, What He Said
This past weekend I went with Trout (formally known as my boyfriend, P) to his stepbrother's wedding. The wedding took place in a little town where Trout will soon be moving to start his new career. The 5600 (blatantly stolen from Trout) was, as far as I can tell, the only slightly major town in my home state that I had never visited. It's a good distance off the interstates, tucked away in a valley along a little river and inhabited by a rather liberal and diverse population of people. All these traits are rather unusual for my home state, which makes it all the more appealing.
This weekend was also the first time I met Trout's other side of the family. As I'm sure you can all recall, I met a massive chunk of people from Trout's former life less than a month ago, and I found myself being thrown head first into another throng of people Trout finds near and dear to his heart. I have no complaints, mind you, same as first time around, I had an amazingly good time. Hugs and side splitting laughter ensued once again. And the alcohol, there was that again too.
I spent a lot of time driving this weekend, which, naturally enough, it gave me a lot of time to think about how to turn this weekend's events into a blog entry. After much thought, I'm not sure I can do it justice. I had a hard enough time writing about Trout's Not-Really-A-Graduation party (the post that made it on the blog was a third attempt, and I still wish it could have been better). And to top it all off, Trout has already beaten me to the punch, and while I somehow feel inspired to try and so the same, I just can’t compete with that. Trout is by far and away, a much better writer, and really his highlights pretty much mirror my own. Funny. Funny stuff.
Just for the record, however, there are several things Trout left out:
- Trout totally gave his Dad a run for his money during Baby Got Back groove thing shaking incident.
- Somewhere in between IRA jokes and threats from the fiery Irish redhead to kick Trout’s Dad’s ass, toppings from leftover pizza ended up in our shower and bathroom sink.
- I was introduced, numerous times, as “the daughter of a rancher.”
- Trout’s nephew lost a tooth during the reception and proceeded to collect $48 over the next two days from various tooth fairies.
- After we got back from the 5600, Trout and I went to Cabella’s. Trout was so excited about this, he actually was hopping around the store like a six year old in his newly acquired fishing waders.
And people wonder how I can possibly have more fun when I leave the city…