...many times a simple choice can prove to be essential even though it often might appear inconseqnetial.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


A week ago at this time I was just getting back from a friend’s Super Bowl party. As I sit here tonight feeling more tired than I’ve been in recent memory, I can’t believe that the party was only a week ago.

This past week has been long for many reasons, one in particular that I’m too emotionally drained to want to post about to the (relative) masses. On top of the aforementioned emotional drainage, sleep at the new apartment is semi-okay at best. For starters, I’m still not used to the “normal” sounds that my apartment makes, like the radiators and the hissing that signals they’re working. I’ve also come to the conclusion that the construction crew working on the condominiums next door is the hardest working group of individuals on the planet. They have worked every single day since I moved in. Their day typically starts at around 6:30am and consists of typical construction duties like hammering the metal sheeting to the side of the building closest to my apartment, using power tools and dropping objects that happen to hit steel beams on their journey to the ground. The combination of all of these elements is not conducive to a good night’s sleep. Needless to say, it’s catching up to me and I’m just flat out exhausted.

Work is going very well, besides the sleep factor, the apartment is great, I get to see P this coming weekend (and very briefly for a late lunch early/dinner today), but beyond this brief summary, I don’t have the energy to elaborate any further. Good night, folks, I’m hoping the pattern doesn’t continue to repeat itself.


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