...many times a simple choice can prove to be essential even though it often might appear inconseqnetial.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Hello, My Old Friend

Yesterday was a very lazy day for me. So lazy, I somehow managed to forget that I could go running once the weather cooled off. Apparently it isn’t quite routine yet. This welcomed lack of activity made it very hard for me to get motivated to do anything, especially going grocery shopping.

Oh but I’m so glad that I did. Not only had I run out of staple foods like bread and orange juice, but the more fun food items were also missing from my kitchen. I’m trying to cut back on the unhealthy snacky foods and beef up my fridge with more fruits and vegetables. However, no matter how healthy I eat I will always, always, always have to have ice cream in my freezer. So as I strolled down the frozen food section, I was absolutely delighted by two things. Not only was ice cream on sale, but great googley-moogley, they had Goo Goo Cluster.

Not only is Goo Goo Cluster one of my favorite ice creams of all time (tied only with Cold Stone’s Founder’s Favorite), but I haven’t seen it anywhere in years. I probably haven’t enjoyed a big heaping bowl of the GGC since I was in high school. I thought they (whoever “they” might be) had just stopped making it.

Taking that first bite last night, it was just as good as I remembered. Chocolate ice cream with a touch of marshmallow (not to be confused with Rocky Road, GGC has creamy, puffy marshmallow flavored ice cream, not actual marshmallows) mixed with caramel and chocolate covered peanuts; heaven in a bowl that you can eat with a spoon.

In case the founders of GGC had indeed stopped making it and decided to try running it again, I need to ask my readership a favor. Could you all go out and buy a carton (or two) as to help ensure that is sticks around for a while. You can buy it at Safeway.

Thanks in advance, you won’t regret it. And if you don’t like it, well pack that puppy with dry ice and send it my way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmmm......... You are certainly your father's daughter. It's good your hummingbird metabolism doesn't add the extra pounds like the rest of us must contend with. Like you, I haven't seen GGC forever. I will most certainly check it out, for Dad, of course.

9:29 PM

Blogger Leta said...

I also believe in voting with the pocketbook and GGC sounds lovely! I'll track it down and buy two cartons!

10:30 AM

Blogger dirk.mancuso said...

Goo goo clusters...mmmmmmmmmm. I discovered those sweet treats on a forced family vacation to Tennessee when I was 6. They were the only thing that made sitting in a car next to Aunt Carol even remotely bearable.

And now they have their own ice cream? Sighhhhhhhh. Why do you post this info and make a semi-former fattie yearn for the cool smooth deliciousness of ice cream?

Why, Kathryn, why?

10:43 AM

Blogger Kathryn said...

Mom...I hope Dad enjoys the ice cream. If you can't find it there, I'll eat a bowl in his honor tonight.

leta...your support is greatly appreciated. Every little bit helps!

Dirk...it's just one bowl, I know you want to try it. Come on, everyone else is doing it.

2:11 PM


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